Women's Kayaking 101


Reservation/Payment must be made prior to arrival.

Kayaks are for a SINGLE PADDLER. This class is not appropriate for children under 13.

Our Women’s Kayaking 101 class is designed to give women and non-binary paddlers the needed foundation of skills and techniques to build your kayaking skills. These group classes are taught by women instructors and will have you on the water practicing as you learn and will allow for one on one time with an instructor so that you can get focused attention on your skills and your needed adaptions. Join other women on the water as we learn together and foster a friendship over the love of adventure.

Class is open to ALL women and non-binary people who are comfortable in women’s centered programs.

Class lasts approximately 3-4 hours and all paddling equipment is included

2024 DATES

March 17 - 11:00am
May 12 - 9:30am**
June 15 - 9:30am
July 6 - 9:30am
September 1 - 11:30am
September 14 - 9:30am
October 5 - 11:00am**

Class meets at either Beaver Dam or Hickory Hill on Falls Lake (Beaver Dam dates marked with **)

** Please be aware that you will be responsible for a separate entry fee to Beaver Dam park. This fee is per car and allows access to swim beach, fishing pier, playground, hiking trails, picnic facilities, bathroom and shower facilities.


We acknowledge that the land this trip takes place on occupies the ancestral land of the Skaruhreh/Tuscarora, Lumbee, Mánu: Yį Įsuwą (Catawba), Occaneechi, and Cheraw Nations. As a part of our mission we honor and respect the history and significance this land holds for these Nations’ past, present, and future. To find out more about the Native People and Lands where you live and recreate visit this map.

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